Sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the rRT-PCR products. Samples loaded in this gel tested negative by rRT-PCR with the original primers/probe set (6). Lanes: 1, 1377-1/chicken/Niger/2006; 2, 1532-14/chicken/Mauritania/2006; 3, 2407-135/avian/Nepal/2006; 4, 1210/dove/Italy/2007; 5, 50/pigeon/Italy/2008; 6, positive control (ND virus Ulster 2C). M, molecular marker V (8 to 587 bp; Roche). Lanes to the left of lane M, PCR products resulting from the application of the original primer-and-probe set; lanes to the right of lane M, PCR products resulting from the application of the modified probe. Primers are identical to those used in the original protocol (6).