A, Low-power view of white matter stained with Luxol fast blue–periodic acid–Schiff shows hypercellularity and is pale blue, indicative of demyelination (original magnification, ×347). B, High-power view of white matter stained with Luxol fast blue–periodic acid–Schiff shows pleomorphic oligodendrocytes (arrows) (original magnification, ×1375). C, Calcification (arrows) in the basal ganglia (hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, ×602). D, Collagen IV immunostain demonstrates string vessels (arrow) (original magnification, ×400). E, Skeletal muscle showing small group atrophy (arrows) consistent with neurogenic atrophy (hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, ×641). F, Toluidine blue–stained 1 micron–thick section of skeletal muscle showing marked nuclear atypia (arrows) (original magnification, ×1280).