Entry of HSV recombinants expressing gB fusion loop mutations. Preparations of virions derived from F6 cells (that express gH) were harvested from culture supernatants, and VP5 levels were quantified by using Western blot experiments (see Fig. 1). F-BACgH-, which expresses wild-type gB and no gH, was also derived from F6 cells, and the titers of the virus on F6 cells were determined. HaCaT cells were infected with a dose of F-BACgH- corresponding to 10 PFU/cell. Other HaCaT cells were infected with HSV recombinants expressing gB fusion loops using equal quantities of particles compared with that of F-BACgH- (particles quantified by VP5 Western blotting). After 5 h of infection, the HaCaT cells were labeled for 2 h with [35S]methionine/cysteine, and then detergent extracts of the cells were subjected to immunoprecipitation using anti-HSV polyclonal antibodies (left) or anti-gD MAb DL6 (right).