FIG. 2.
scAAV vectors integrate site-specifically in HeLa cells. (A) Junction PCR assay of HeLa cells infected with dsP5AAVNeoR only or with dsAAV-SVRep78 at different ratios and MOIs (viral genomes per cell [vg/cell]) analyzed 1 week postinfection. (B) Colony-forming assay. Ten thousand infected HeLa cells were seeded into 100 mM dishes and selected with G418 for 2 weeks. Postselection, the resistant colonies were stained with crystal violet and counted. The counts are shown only for the lower dose (100 vg/cell). Visually, more colonies are seen at the 5:1 ratio at both doses. (C) Comparison of ssAAV and scAAV specific integration. Left panel, HeLa scAAV clones (50:1; dsP5AAVNeoR:dsAAVSVRep78; MOI, 105). Right panel, HeLa ssAAV clones (50:1; P5UF11:SVAV2; MOI, 105). The arrows indicate the clones that have both AAVS1 and AAV signals colinked.