Figure 6.
Alignment of maize sister paralogs HYD3 and HYD4 plus their rice synteny partner HYD1. DNA sequences were aligned for HYD3 and HYD4, their rice synteny partner HYD1, and the HYD3 sequences of all of the maize inbreds used in this study. Transcription start sites (colored nucleotides) for B73 HYD3, B73 HYD4, and rice HYD1 were estimated by aligning ESTs. The first ATG for HYD1 is denoted by a blue overline and contained within a red box for the remaining HYD3 and HYD4 sequences. A blue box encompasses the variant region that distinguishes the high and low β-carotene lines. Black, dark-gray, and light-gray shading indicate degree of conserved nucleotides where black is the highest (100%) match. [See online article for color version of this figure.]