PCR analysis of the lbd16, lbd18, and lbd16 lbd18 mutants. A, Location of T-DNA insertions of LBD16 and LBD18 in Arabidopsis. T-DNA insertions are indicated by triangles. LBD16 and LBD18 are composed of two exons indicated by E1 and E2 and one intron indicated by the gray lines. Solid lines and dotted lines indicate the locations of the primers for the RT-PCR and the primers for the PCR of genomic DNA, respectively. Numbers indicate the position of the first nucleotide of each primer relative to the AUG initiation codon. L and R, Left and right borders of T-DNA; UTR, untranslated region. B, PCR analysis of T-DNA insertion mutants. Genomic DNA isolated from each mutant was subjected to PCR with primers specific for LBD16 or LBD18 and the primers for T-DNA. S and T, PCR products amplified by specific primers (S) or specific primers and T-DNA primers (T); WT, wild-type Columbia. C, RT-PCR analysis of T-DNA insertion mutants. Total RNA isolated from 7-d-old light-grown seedlings was subjected to RT-PCR. The ACTIN7 mRNA was utilized as a loading control.