Figure 4. Activation of Smad-dependent transcription in singly-moving cells.
A: i) Low magnification image of a primary MTLn3E tumour constitutively expressing myristoylated-Cherry (red) and expressing CFP (cyan) from a Smad-dependent promoter; collagen second harmonic signal is in blue. Arrows indicate motile cells – see also right-hand panels and Movie 9. ii) Image of an MTLn3E lymph node metastasis constitutively expressing myr-Cherry and expressing CFP from a Smad-dependent promoter; collagen second harmonic signal is in blue. iii-iv) Images of different size MTLn3E lung metastases constitutively expressing myr-Cherry and expressing CFP from a Smad-dependent promoter. B: Quantification of the proportion of CAGA12::CFP positive cells in non-motile, singly-moving, and collectively moving cells in primary tumours, lymph node and lung metastases. Average data from four independent clones is shown with 24 from 13 mice were analysed, standard error is shown. C: Quantification of the proportion of vimentin promoter::GFP positive cells in non-motile, singly-moving, and collectively moving cells in primary tumours and lymph node metastases. Average of two independent clones is shown.