Figure 7. TGFβ signalling is required for single cell motility in vivo.
A: An image from a time-series of a primary MTLn3E tumour containing a mixture of control cells expressing CFP (cyan) and cells expressing the TGFβ receptor II lacking its kinase domain fused to GFP (TGFβRDN - green), collagen fibres in blue. White arrows indicate motile cells (see also Movie 15). B: TGFβRDN-GFP intravital primary tumour images from three different time points are shown overlaid in red, green and blue. Dashed yellow line highlights a region of cohesive cell movement (see also Movie11). C: Pie charts show the number of singly- and cohesively-moving cells is for control (EGFP-N1) and two different TGFβRDN expressing MTLn3E clones. Area is proportional to the number of motile cells – ≥4 mice analysed for each condition. D: Pie charts show the number of singly- and cohesively-moving cells is shown for control shRNA and two different Smad4 shRNA expressing MTLn3E clones. Area is proportional to the number of motile cells. E: Pie charts show the number of singly- and cohesively-moving cells is shown for control IRES-GFP and TGFβ IRES-GFP expressing MTLn3E clones. Area is proportional to the number of motile cells moving.