Figure 1.
Schematic of CCD setup with a 30° pinhole holder (not to scale). Diverging x rays enter from the right. The pinhole is mounted in a caphead screw and positioned in an aluminum holder at the desired angular orientation. Lead lining within the aluminum holder provides shielding from background signal and has a hole oriented to allow the primary signal through. The signal then passes through a Be window and compressed foam before impacting the screen and producing the optical signal that travels down the FOP to the optical detector. A cross-sectional view (not to scale) of the pinhole disk is shown in the inset (Ref. 16). The manufacturer specifies L=75±10 μm and D=30±5 μm for the 30 μm pinhole. Note that, when drawn to scale, the size of the straight edged portion of the pinhole is much smaller than the angled opening.