A. Mock- (DMSO) and MNNG (10 μM; 1h at 37 C)-treated shLuc and shING2 cells were collected at 6 h post-MNNG and extracts were prepared and adjusted for equal protein concentration. Proteins were resolved and subjected to immunoblotting with monoclonal anti-p53 (DO1) antibody. An aliquot of the lysate was also probed with site specific anti-acetyl p53 (K373/K382) antibody. Anti-β-tubulin immunoblotting ensured equal protein loading. B. p53 is dispensable for MNNG-induced cell death. shLuc, shING2, shp53, and shING2/p53 cells were either mock (DMSO)-treated or exposed to MNNG (10 μM; 1h) and collected 72 h later. Cells were stained with propidium iodide and % apoptosis (sub-G1) were determined by flow cytometry. Graphed are the mean ± SEM of three independent experimental determinations. C. Extracts formed from shLuc, shING2, shLuc/p53, and shING2/p53 cells were analyzed for suppression of p53 (top panel) and ING2 (bottom panel) expression by immunoblotting with anti-p53 (DO1) and anti-ING2 antibody, respectively. Equal protein loading was confirmed by anti-β-tubulin antibody.