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. 2009 Aug 29;28(12):1421–1429. doi: 10.1007/s10096-009-0799-0

Table 1.

Listing of California Encephalitis Project (CEP) patients with N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-positive encephalitis

Age Race/ethnicity Reason for initial presentation Neurologic abnormalities Autonomic instability Aggression/irritability Hallucinations Personality change Seizures Lowest GCS Neoplasm Lumbar puncture (LP) results MRI EEG
CSF protein
CSF glucose
11 Pacific Islander Left facial twitching with choreoathetoid movement of the arm and leg, headache Choreoathetoid movements, ataxia, cranial nerve abn., tongue thrusting, facial twitching, aphasia Tachycardia N Y Y Y 8 Y, ovarian teratoma 6b Abnormal; focal cerebritis of right, posterior frontal lobe Right hemisphere slowing; no epileptiform activity
F 23
11 Asian Mental status changes, psychosis, mouth twitching and muscular spasticity Ataxia, mouth twitching, aphasia Tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia Y Yes, auditory and visual Y N 14 N 16b Normal Diffuse slowing, no epileptiform activity
M 23
11 Asian Headaches, fever, psychosis Ataxia N Y Y, olfactory Y Y 15 N 26 (94%L) Normal Diffuse slowing; no epileptiform activity(?)
M 29
12 Pacific Islander Mental status changes Choreoathetoid movements Tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia Y N Unk Y 8 N 170 (92%L, 2%M) Abnormal; dural and meningeal enhancement Diffuse slowing; some left frontal spikes
F 67
18 Black Behavioral problems Ataxia, cranial nerve abnormalities, aphasia Blood pressure lability Y Y Y Y 4 N 100 (94%L, 6%M) Normal Unk
F 220
19 White-Hispanic Involuntary rightarm and shoulder movements Choreoathetoid movements, left facial droop Y N N Y N 15 N 3 (89%L, 10%M, 1%P) Abnormal; basal ganglia hyperintensity, bilaterally Polymorphic bilateral frontopolar and frontal slowing
F 27
19 Black Headache, personality change, nonsensical speech Orofacial dyskinesias Tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, tachypnea, hypoventilation Y Y, auditory Y Y 3 N 18 (93%L, 4%M, 3%P) Abnormal; white matter demyelination (periventricular, thalamic,corpus callosum lesions) Diffuse slowing; no epileptiform activity
M 28
22 Asian Psychosis Choreoathetoid movements, orofacial dyskinesias, aphasia Tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, tachypnea, hypoventilation Y Y, auditory Y Y 8 N 13 (84%L, 3%M, 11%P) Normal Temporal epileptiform activity with left>right
M 21
27 Hispanic Headaches, confusion, psychosis Ataxia, bruxisms, lingual dyskinesias, tongue biting, aphasia Tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, hypoventilation N N Y Y Unk Y, ovarian teratoma 118 (85%L, 10%M, 5%P) Normal Diffuse slowing; no epileptiform activity
F 30
31 Black Headache, fever Choreoathetoid movements, ataxia, cranial nerve abn., with left eyedeviation Tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, tachypnea Y Unka Y Y 3 N 34 (93%L, 7%M) Normal Diffuse slowing; no epileptiform activity
F 33

Y = yes; N = no; F = female; M = male; GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; WBC = white blood cell; abn. = abnormalities; MRI =magnetic resonance imaging; EEG = electroencephalogram; L = lymphocytes; M = monocytes; P = polymorphocytes

aSeverely altered, unable to report

bDifferential not done or unknown