Fig. 2.
Temporal evolution of neural activity depends on the trace left by the first stimuli—regardless of whether it was recently shown in the visual world or retrieved from LTM—on the comparison between the first and the second stimuli and on the choice. (A and D) Rasters of the same neuron sorted by S1 (93°, 90° and 87°) and the choice (L, to the left; R, to the right). Red and blue dots signal the behavioral response (BR) in each trial, to the left and to the right, respectively. (B and E) Temporal evolution of the average firing rates fitted as a function of: S1 and the relative orientation of S2 (S2-S1) during the delay [1] and the comparison [2] and [3] periods. (C and F) Stepwise Linear Regression coefficients, aS1, aS2-S1, and asign(S2-S1), as a function of time; continuous traces indicate significant coefficients.