Fig 3. Histograms of plasma EhGSSG and plasma EhCySS without control for health risk, disease or time of day, compared to fasting, morning data from healthy, physically fit individuals with normal BMI.
Data are compiled to illustrate the range of values obtained with this assay. Samples compiled from several studies without regard to age, health status, time of day or food consumption are plotted with open squares for EhCySS and open diamonds for EhGSSG, each with a broken line. The relatively broad ranges of values are due to oxidation associated with BMI, type 2 diabetes, advanced age, alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking, proinflammatory cytokine levels and cardiovascular disease risk factors and also reduction as a consequence of eating foods containing Cys. The relatively broad ranges are contrasted with data for fasting, morning plasma EhCySS (filled circles) and EhGSSG (filled triangles) from young, healthy and physically fit individuals.