Fig 1. Phosphorylation-independent repression of Yki.
A–C) Horizontal (upper left) and vertical (bottom and right) sections of wing discs with flip-out clones expressing Yki:V5 (wild-type control) or Yki:V53SA (activated Yki), identified by elevated Yki (red), and with nuclei labeled by DAPI (cyan). A) act>y+>Gal4; UAS-yki:V53SA. B) act>y+>Gal4; UAS-Myc:wts.2;UAS-yki:V53SA UAS-ex[ex-3]/UAS-hpo[dMst.3]. In the presence of elevated Wts, Hpo, and Ex, Yki:V53SA-expressing cells become apoptotic and drop basally (arrows). C) act>y+>Gal4 UAS-yki:V5. D-L) Eye discs expressing Yki:V5 (UAS-yki:V5) or Yki:V53SA (UAS-yki:V53SA) under GMR-Gal4 control, stained for elevated Yki (red), and with nuclei labeled by DAPI (cyan). E) Expression of Yki:V53SA results in extensive overgrowth, which is mostly taken up in folds of tissue. F-L) Co-expression of UAS-ex[ex-3], UAS-Myc:wts.2 or UAS-hpo[dMst.3], or combinations thereof, with Yki:V53SA, as indicated. M-T) Close-ups of Yki:V53SA expression in eye discs under GMR-Gal4 control to show nuclear localization, using same genotypes as in E-L.