Fig. 7.
B-Raf is required for cAMP-stimulated ERK activation. WRT cells transfected with scrambled- (Scr) versus B-Raf-directed siRNAs were starved, stimulated with forskolin (2 min), insulin (5 min) (A) or TSH (2 min) (B) and subjected to Western blotting for phospho-ERK and B-Raf. Equal protein loading was confirmed by blotting for ERK2 or Akt. Depletion of B-Raf using an independent set of siRNAs (B-Raf#2) inhibited ERK activation by forskolin and TSH. C, siRNA-transfected cells were stimulated with 6MB-cAMP for the times indicated (in minutes) and analyzed for phospho-ERK, B-Raf, and Akt as a loading control. D, the decrease in ERK activation in B-Raf-depleted cells was statistically significant (**, p < 0.01).