Figure 5.
Gene expression patterns are determined by the 3′UTR of a gene. (a) 3T3 fibroblasts were infected with lentiviruses encoding GFP transgenes linked to the promoter of Cxcl10 and the 3′UTR of Ccl5 or Fos. Cells were pre-treated with TNF for 30 minutes before the addition of actinomycin D (ActD). mRNA transcripts encoding GFP, and endogenous Fos and Rpl32, were measured by qRT-PCR at indicated times after addition of ActD. The data are an average of triplicate samples with variations less than 20% and representative of three independent experiments. (b) 3T3 fibroblasts infected with the indicated lentiviruses were stimulated with TNF (20ng/ml). GFP expression was measured by qRT-PCR at indicated time points after the addition of TNF. The data are mean ± s.d. of triplicate samples and representative of three independent experiments with similar results.