Capsaicin treatment after BoNT/A poisoning improves weight gain and CMAP recovery. A, weight of mice in control (□), capsaicin alone (+ CAP, ■; n = 4), BoNT/A alone (+ BoNT/A, ○; n = 4), and BoNT/A and capsaicin (●, + BoNT/A + CAP; n = 4) groups plotted against day of test. B, CMAP amplitude (percentage of control) for control, capsaicin-alone, BoNT/A-alone, and BoNT/A + capsaicin-treated mice. CMAP amplitudes were normalized to the control values. Bars are the mean CMAP amplitude + S.E.M at various times after BoNT/A administration. C, representative CMAP records for control (a), capsaicin alone (b), BoNT/A alone (c, at 3 weeks; e, at 8 weeks), and capsaicin- and BoNT/A-injected mice (d, at 3 weeks; f, at 7 weeks). D, represents the average fold of increase in CMAP recovery ± S.E.M, from week 1 to week 7, after the injection of capsaicin.