Liver was fixed in 10% buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Panel A, Livers from mice fed control diets (Con) exposed to filtered air (FA) (a) or ETS (c) show no pathological changes or fat deposition in hepatocytes. Mice fed an ethanol-containing diet (EtOH) and exposed to filtered air (b) show mild steatosis, whereas ethanol-fed mice exposed to ETS (d) have severe steatosis. Magnification is 100X. Panel B, Quantification of steatosis. Panel C, Quantification of inflammatory foci. Panel D, Photomicrograph showing aggregates of neutrophils and lymphocytes within liver parenchyma of ethanol + ETS group (arrows). Magnification is 200X.