Figure 4.
Novel proteins in the canine ribosome.
A) Novel proteins of the ssu are marked with red spheres and possible α-helices are indicated by red cylinders. The core rRNA and ES are shown as blue and red ribbons, respectively, while the conserved proteins are shown in green. The ssu is shown in back, platform and interface views.
B) Novel proteins in the lsu are marked with green spheres and cylinders for α-helices. The core rRNA and ES are shown as gold and red ribbons and the conserved proteins are colored magenta. The lsu is shown in reverse and back views.
C. Novel protein S-VIII is comprised of two long rods between ES3S, ES6S and ES12S. They may also interact with ES1S which forms a bulge.
D. Density for novel protein L-XII reveals two long, intersecting α-helices beneath the ES7L/ES9L/ES15 pseudo-knot on the back of the lsu.