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. 2009 Sep 16;29(37):11451–11460. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1758-09.2009

Table 1.

Examples of genes regulated in the NAc by chronic social defeat stress and the effect of intra-NAc MS-275 and systemic fluoxetine

Gene name Social defeat MS-275 Fluoxetine Gene product function and potential role in psychiatric diseases Reference(s)
cort graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Neuroprotective, decreases neuronal excitability; under circadian regulation (mediates sleep and motor activity) Spier and de Lecea, 2000
gja5 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica Rapidly transmits activity between adjacent neurons; decreased in NAc after cocaine self-administration Bennett et al., 1999; Fricker and Miles, 2001
dlgap1 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica Assembly of PSD complexes Takeuchi et al., 1997
kcne4 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Prevents KCNQ1 (Kv1.1 and Kv1.3) potassium channel currents; attenuates presynaptic DA release Grunnet et al., 2003
adra1a graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica Presynaptic noradrenergic autoreceptor; subsensitivity in clinical depression Cedarbaum and Aghajanian, 1976
grik2 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica Regulates early-phase EPSPs; pharmacological antagonism in NAc decreases performance for conditioned rewards Watkins and Evans, 1981; Di Ciano et al., 2001
slc17a7 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Glutamate transporter Bellocchio et al., 2000
rabep1 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica Tethers, docks, and fuses transport vesicles with organelles Kawasaki et al., 2005
rab3b graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Located on synaptic vesicles and facilitates exocytosis by reducing Ca+ dependence Schlüter et al., 2006
tgfa graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg a graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Activates Erk, MAPK, JUN, STAT, P38, and Akt signaling Ezeh and Farbman, 1998; Takeyama et al., 2000
slit2 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Increases the branching of dendrites or axons; causes hyperpolarization of membrane potentials (opposite to BDNF) Wang et al., 1999; Whitford et al., 2002; Nishiyama et al., 2008
abl1 graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Inline graphica graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Tyrosine kinase (DNA binding) that increases dendritic branching Jones et al., 2004
nrn1 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Stimulated by BDNF, or cellular activity, to promote dendritic arborization Naeve et al., 1997
tnfrsf1a graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Positive regulation of the I-κB kinase/NF-κB cascade, and gene transcription (via RNA polymerase II promoter) Chen and Goeddel, 2002
sin3b graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica graphic file with name cjs0737.jpg Transcriptional repressor that forms a complex with HDAC1 and HDAC2 van Ingen et al., 2006
rcor1 graphic file with name cjs0738.jpg Inline graphica Transcriptional repressor that complexes with HDAC1, HDAC2, and LSD1 Lakowski et al., 2006

The table lists some of the genes that were regulated in the NAc by chronic (10 d) social defeat stress and the influence of chronic intra-NAc infusion of MS-275 or of chronic systemic fluoxetine administration. Genes regulated in the same direction by MS-275 and fluoxetine could represent part of a common, shared mechanism of antidepressant action. Genes uniquely affected by MS-275 may be useful for identifying novel biochemical pathways that promote antidepressant effects. Each gene listed contributes to forms of cellular plasticity, as indicated in the table. Some genes have previously been observed to contribute to stress-related illnesses. Gene abbreviations: cort, Cortistatin; gja5, gap junction protein α 5; dlgap1, discs (large homolog-associated protein 1); kcne4, potassium voltage-gated channel; adra1a, adrenergic α 1A receptor; grik2, ionotropic glutamate receptor (kainate 2); slc17a7, solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter member 7); rabep1, rabaptin (RAB GTPase binding effector protein 1); rab3b, member RAS oncogene family; tgfa, transforming growth factor α; slit 2, slit homolog 2; abl1, c-abl oncogene 1 (receptor tyrosine kinase); nrn1, neuritin 1; tnfrsf1a, tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1A; sin3b, SIN3 homolog B (transcription regulator); rcor1, REST corepressor 1.

aDenotes randomly selected genes whose regulation by MS-275 after social stress was validated by qPCR on independent tissue samples.