Figure 7. sCD25 production in the absence of exogenous recombinant protein correlates with cell death, not proliferation, of PBMC.
To determine if the variable results seen previously were present in other areas, we measured the production of sCD25 in the 0 ng/ml condition with anti-CD3/28 microbeads ((A), open bars) or PHA ((A), hatched bars) stimulation. sCD25 production varied dependent on the stimulus provided in RPMI and AIMV media conditions (RPMI: (PHA) 18952±2872, (3/28) 7457±916.8, p<0.001; AIMV: 21482±2114, (3/28) 10957±893.8, p<0.001), but did not significantly differ between media formulations. In (B), sCD25 production did not correlate with proliferation as seen previously. Rather, sCD25 was generated at levels correlating with cell death as measured by NMP production, (C) (PHA: r = 0.7182, p<0.001, CD3/28: r = 0.3882, p = 0.0133). ***p<0.001.