Figure 9. Adult neuropile compartment disruption with glial loss.
Confocal sections of the central-complex in adult brains stained with anti-DN-Cadherin (magenta) to label the neuropile compartments. The left column shows DN-Cadherin staining; the central column shows GFP expression (green) in cortex and neuropile glia, and the right column is the merged image. (A–C) Control nrv2-GAL4>UAS-GFP brain showing a fully closed, circular ellipsoid body (EB) and fan-shaped body (FSB) surrounded by thick glial sheathes. (D–F) Experimental nrv2-GAL4>UAShis,rpr brain exhibiting an open EB devoid of any circular structure (arrow) and a smaller, misshapen FSB. (G–I) Confocal sections from adult brains after incorporation of the tubGAL80 temperature sensitive (ts) transgene into the nrv2-GAL4>UAS-hid,rpr line followed by temperature shifting from 18 degrees Celsius to 29 degrees Celsius at wandering third instar. Note that the EB retains an ellipsoid shape and the FSB is no longer misshapen when glia are not eliminated until late third instar. Scale bar: 25 µm.