Imported manganese does not scavenge H2O2. A. Manganese did not prevent H2O2 accumulation by Hpx- and Hpx- ΔmntH cells. Cells were grown anaerobically and aerated at time zero. At intervals the medium was assayed for accumulated H2O2. LC106 (Hpx-, squares) and SMV42 (Hpx- ΔmntH, diamonds). Filled symbols: 50 μM manganese was included in the growth medium. B. Manganese-supplemented cells did not exhibit significant H2O2-scavenging activity. H2O2 (1 μM) was added at time zero to cultures of log-phase cells. Filled symbols: 50 μM manganese was included in the growth medium. MG1655 (open circles), LC106 (Hpx-, squares), SMV42 (Hpx- ΔmntH, diamonds).