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. 2009 Nov 10;339:b4471. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b4471

Table 1.

 Characteristics of selected cohort studies on association between income inequality and mortality

Details of study Age (years) Follow-up (years) Outcome (No of events) Measure of income inequality Area level variable Adjusted variables in primary models other than age and sex
Eligible papers
Osler et al, 2002w1 Copenhagen City Heart Study, Glostrup Population Study (CCHS/GPS) 1976-8/1964-92 (n=28 131), Copenhagen, Denmark ≥20 3-28 All cause mortality, confirmed by national population register (n=7567) Median share* 149 parishes Income
Blomgren et al, 2004w2 Census 1990 (n=1.08 million men),* Finland 25-64 6 Alcohol related disease mortality, confirmed by death register (n=9820) Gini 84 NUT4 regions Income, education, occupational status, and mother tongue
Kravdal, 2008w3 Census 1980-2002 (n=54.31 million), Norway 30-79 1-22 All cause mortality, confirmed by population database (n=513 746) Gini 431 municipalities Income, education, mean area income, and data year
Blakely et al, 2003w4 Census 1991 (n=1 391 118), New Zealand 25-64 3 All cause mortality, confirmed by mortality record (n=19 128) Gini 35 sub-regions Income, mean area income, and rural residency
Henriksson et al, 2006w5 Census 1990 (n=1 578 186), Sweden 40-64 2-7 All cause mortality, confirmed by national cause of death register (n=49 782) Gini 170 parities/municipalities Occupational position
Gerdtham and Johannesson, 2004w6 Survey of Living Conditions 1980-6 (n=41 006), Sweden 20-84 10-16 All cause mortality, confirmed by national cause of death register (n=6725, 16.4% of total) Gini 24 counties/284 municipalities No of children, immigrant, marital status, income, education, employment status, functional limitations, self rated health, high blood pressure, data year, urbanisation, and mean area income
Fiscella and Peter, 1997 w7/2000w8 NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (NHEFS) 1971-5 (n=13 280), US 25-74 2-16 All cause mortality, confirmed by medical records and death certificates (n=1992, 15% of total) Median share* 105 primary sampling units Income and family size. Morbidity, depression, and baseline self rated health are adjusted only in primary model
Lochner et al, 2001w9 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1987-94 (n=546 888), US 18-74 1-6 All cause mortality, confirmed by the National Death Index (n=19 379) Gini 48 states Race/ethnicity, marital status, income, and poverty rate
Backlund et al, 2007w10 National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS) 1979-85 (n=521 248), US ≥25 4.75-10.75 All cause mortality, confirmed by the National Death Index (n=19 049) Median share* 50 states Household size, marital status, race, Hispanic origin, family income, education, employment status, and urbanisation
Studies not addressing data clustering (for sensitivity analysis only)
Daly et al, 1998w11 Panel Study of Income Dynamics 1978-88 (sample size not reported), US ≥25 5 All cause mortality, reported by the next year survey (n=716) Median share* 50 states Race, family size, and median area income
Kahn et al, 1999w12 Cancer Prevention Study II 1982 (n=76 628 men),‡ US 30-74 14 All cause mortality, confirmed by the death certificates (n=15 439) 90/10 ratio 318 standard metro areas Education

*Median share—that is, % of income sum below median in total area income.