Abolition of γ-tubulin and GCP localization by deletion of
gcpC. In each panel a germling carrying a gcpC deletion
(gcpCΔ) is shown along with one or more ungerminated conidia
that are wild-type for gcpC but carry riboB2 that prevents
growth in unsupplemented media. The swollen conidia that gave rise to each
germling are marked with asterisks. (A) gcpCΔ in a strain
carrying histone H1-GFP and γ-tubulin-mCherry. Two nuclei of unequal
sizes are present. γ-tubulin does not show SPB localization in the
gcpCΔ germling, but does localize to the SPB of the nucleus in
the ungerminated gcpC+ spore (arrow). (B-E)
gcpCΔ in strains carrying histone H1-mCherry and GCPB-GFP (B),
GCPD-GFP (C), GCPE-GFP (D) and GCPF-GFP (E). Each gcpCΔ
germling has one nucleus, reflecting the fact that nuclear division is
inhibited in the gcpCΔ strain. Germlings as long as these would
normally have many nuclei. In each case, the GCP fails to localize to the SPB
in the gcpCΔ germlings (i.e. there is no GCP spot associated
with the nucleus), but localizes normally in the ungerminated
gcpC+ conidia (arrows). All images are maximum intensity
projections of Z-series stacks that include the entire germling so the absence
of GCP fluorescence is not due to the SPB being out of the focal plane. Scale
bar: 10 μm.