Table 3.
Comparative longitudinal studies of depression or depressive symptoms and bone mineral density
First Author |
Year | Location | Sample size |
Follow- up duration |
Source of participantsa |
Measure of exposureb |
Measure of BMDc |
Matching and/or adjustment | Main findings |
Whooley [24] | 1999 | USA | 7,414 | 3.7 years | Population-based (only women), age: 65+yrs | GDS | Lumbar spine & hip DEXA | Adjusted for age, marital status, education, arthritis, diabetes, weight change, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, caffeine intake, calcium use, BMI, estrogen, steroid, diuretic, and benzodiazepine use, perceived health, quadricepts strength | No overall assoc btwn DepSx & BMDDepSx assoc w/lower BMD among highest BMI tertile vs. lower tertiles |
Schweiger [13] | 2000 | Germany | 39 | 2 years | Inpatient clinic, community controls, age: 40–95 yrs | MDC | Lumbar spine SE-QCT | Adjusted for baseline BMD, age, sex | MDD assoc w/increased BMD loss at followup |
Whooley [23] | 2004 | USA | 100 | 3.6 years | Population-based (only men), age: 50+yrs | GDS | Lumbar spine & hip DEXA | Adjusted for age, weight change, physical activity, smoking, caffeine intake, calcium use, steroid, diuretic & benzodiazepine use, perceived health, BMI, chair stand activity | No assoc btwn DepSx & mean percent change in BMD |
Sogaard [19] | 2005 | Norway | 4,690 | 15 years | Population-based, age: 25+yrs | MDQ | Distal & ultradistal radius SXA | Stratified by sex; adjusted for age, marital status, BMI, receiving disability benefits, physical activity, smoking, estrogen use | Women: No assoc btwn DepSx & BMD Men: No assoc btwn DepSx & BMD |
Unless otherwise stated, studies include both men and women. Mean age of study participants is given if age range was unavailable.
Diagnostic measures of depression (MDD or MDE): MDC Munich diagnostic checklist. Non-diagnostic measures of depressive symptoms (DepSx): GDS geriatric depression scale, MDQ self-report mental distress questionnaire.
DEXA dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, SE-QCT single-energy quantitative computerized tomography, SXA single-energy x-ray absorptiometry.