Synergism with ANXA1-derived peptides and ATLa in vivo. a, ANXA1-derived peptides were administered at the reported doses via the tail vein 15 min prior to injection of 1 mg Zymosan A into 6-d-old air pouches. PMN accumulation was measured 4 h later. The number of migrated PMNs in the control group (vehicle-treated mice) was 7.5 ± 0.5 × 106 PMNs per mouse. Data are mean ± s.e.m of 6–12 mice; *, P < 0.05 versus control migration as calculated on original values. □, Ac2-26; ●, Ac2-12; ■, Ac2-6; ○, Ac2-6 scramble. b, Animals were treated i.v. with the reported doses of ATLa (■; 0.5–5 μg, 1.2–12 nmol; chemical structure shown, R = para-fluoro-phenoxy), Ac2-26 (□; 5–100 μg, corresponding to ~1.5–33 nmol) or both ATLa and Ac2-26 () 15 min before local injection of Zymosan A. PMN accumulation was measured after 4 h. The number of migrated PMNs in the control group (mice treated with Zymosan A alone) was 6.5 ± 0.55 × 106 PMNs per mouse. Data are mean ± s.e.m of n = 6–8 mice per group; *, P < 0.05 versus control migration as calculated on original values. c, Air-pouch biopsies. Sections from the top dose groups (that is, 5 μg of ATLa and 100 μg of Ac2-26; see b) were prepared and were stained with H&E. Magnifications, ×10 for the top panel and ×40 for the inset and lower panels.