Figure 2.
Hsc82 and Hsp90α are best modeled with similar extended conformations and a small population of tetramer. (A) The Hsc82 solution data (black) are fit with a mixture of two populations (green). The mixture is 93% of the shown open, extended model and 7% of the shown tetramer (R = 5.9%). The tetramer is the crystallographic tetramer found in the apo bacterial structure.14 (B) Hsp90α solution data (black) is fit with a mixture of 90% of the shown open, extended model and 10% of the tetramer shown in Panel A (R = 5.7%). The extended model for Hsp90α has a 15° rotation of the NM domains toward each other when compared with the Hsc82 model. One monomer is depicted in green and the other in brown. In the tetramer, the second biological dimer is shown in gray.