Fig. 11.
Mucosal-to-serosal chloride gradients generate a large, DIDS-sensitive net secretion of oxalate in Con (A) and A6KD (B) monolayers of Caco-2 cells 6–8 days postseeding. Serosal buffers were nominally Cl− and HCO3− free whereas the mucosal buffers were HCO3− free. Error bars represent ±1 SE (n = 5) and may be contained within the limits of the symbols. In Per I the short-circuit current of Con monolayers was not significantly different from that of A6KD monolayers (0.33 ± 0.03 and 0.28 ± 0.03 μeq·cm−2·h−1, respectively); nor were the conductances different between the 2 groups (2.66 ± 0.33 and 2.63 ± 0.41 mS·cm−2, respectively).