Fig. 9.
Chloride dependence of JMSOx in Con (○) and A6KD (•) Caco-2 monolayers 6–8 days postseeding in bicarbonate-free buffers. Mucosal chloride was varied by replacing it with gluconate, and the serosal compartment contained normal bicarbonate-free buffer. There were no significant differences in GT between Con and A6KD monolayers bathed by the same buffers. The mean fluxes from Per I are presented (n = 6) and error bars represent ±1 SE. Inset represents the degree of inhibition of SLC26A6-mediated JMSOx, which was calculated as the differences between oxalate fluxes in Con and A6KD monolayers and presented as a percentage of the maximum flux measured in 0 Cl−. The solid line in the inset was generated by a curve fit to the data points using 1 site saturation binding, which yielded an EC50 = 18.7 ± 3.3 mM.