Fig. 6.
GABAergic synaptic transmission in BAC-npy striatal neurons. A: representative spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current (sIPSC) traces from an NPY+ (left) and an NPY− (right) neuron. B: box and whisker plots for both sIPSC and mIPSC Twvalues (left), amplitudes (middle), and event frequencies (left) in NPY+ (gray boxes) and NPY− (open boxes) cells. C: representative traces of NPY+ (left) and NPY− (right) evoked IPSCs with intrastriatal stimulation. NBQX (5 μM) and CPP (10 μM) application (black) and BMR (25 μM) application (gray) showed pure GABAA-evoked current. D: sIPSC and evoked (eIPSC) Tw values for NPY+ (black) and NPY− (gray) cells are plotted as open circles with connecting lines. Each circle represents a single cell's Tw value, and the line connecting each circle shows the change in Tw when comparing sIPSC to eIPSCs in the same cell. Data derived from 8 NPY+ and 7 NPY− cells.