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. 2009 Nov 3;7:72. doi: 10.1186/1741-7007-7-72

Table 1.

Summary of recovery of pyrosequencing tags for Framvaren (FV) and Cariaco (CAR) samples, along with accompanying metadata.

Sample number-sample name
1-FV1 2-FV2 3-FV3 4-FV4 5-CAR1 6-CAR2 7-CAR3 8-CAR4
N 454-reads total 38735 34171 24217 33962 35267 30277 28305 26714
Total eukaryotic tags > 100 bp 38280 32026 16256 32795 32876 22503 24266 23591
Unique eukaryotic tags 4280 5283 3765 5141 5983 5701 4325 4016
Total protistan tags (incl. Fungi) 23722 29402 12864 26543 30161 14453 7166 5969
Unique protistan tags (incl. Fungi) 3220 4825 3204 4439 5597 4616 2152 2070
Total and (unique) unassignable tags at 85% 1338 1153 1178 9189 2255 1724 1768 1042
(276) (468) (427) (758) (620) (580) (556) (365)
Total and (Unique) Archaeal tags 0 (0) 2 (2) 2(1) 2 (2) 0 (0) 4 (3) 6 (5) 2 (2)
Total and (Unique) Bacterial tags 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Latitude/Longitude 58°09'N 58°09'N 58°11'N 58°09'N 10°30'N 10°30'N 10°40'N 10°30'N
06°45'E 06°45'E 06°45'E 06°45'E 64°40'W 64°40'W 65°35'W 64°40'W
Temperature °C 10.7 8.4 8.1 5.8 17.9 17.7 17.6 17.6
Depth (m) 20 36 36 36 250 300 320 300
Salinity [80] 27 28 27.5 25.5 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4
Nitrate (μmol/l) --- --- --- --- 5.22 nd nd 0.02
Silicate (μmol/l) --- --- --- 100 31 39 41 43
Ammonium (μmol/l) 0.22 2.2 --- 2.2 0.12 1.27 2.4 3.2
O2 (μmol/l) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
H2S (μmol/l) nd 668 362 600 nd 1.49 3.74 4.28
Bacteria (× 106 cells/ml) 4.6 0.78 0.43 0.61 0.487 0.149 0.18 0.244
Bact Production (H3-Leu, mg/m2/d) 670 160 ---- ---- 347 353 1305 61
Chlorophyll a (μg/l) 1.22 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
DNA conc (ng/μl) 160 170 170 120 5.58 4.55 9.12 10.34
Water volume sampled (/) 15 20 20 20 7 7 7 5
Sampling date Sept-2005 Sept-2005 Sept-2005 May-2004 Jan-2005 Jan-2005 Jan-2005 May-2005

Nd = not detectable.

--- = not available