Multisensory responses in VLPFC. The neural responses of 2 neurons are shown in (A) and (B) as raster/spike density functions and a graph of mean firing rate (at right). A multisensory enhanced response is shown in (A) with a strong response to the vocalization (A, white bar in graph), a smaller response to the corresponding face movie (Vm, gray bar in graph), and an increase in responding to the combined AV presentation (AVm, black bar in graph). The cell in (B) had a strong response to the vocalization (A), no response to the face movie (Vm), and exhibited multisensory suppression when the stimuli were combined (AVm, black bar). Multisensory cells were found across previously identified auditory and visual responsive areas (Sugihara et al. 2006) and are shown in the schematic of the prefrontal cortex in (C), as black circles scattered across lower VLPFC. The auditory and visual domains are outlined in gray with dotted lines (similar to Fig. 1).