Figure 6. Impact of metabolic O2 consumption (
) on
Panel (A) shows the effect of doubling on arterial (
) and mixed venous (
) O2 during apnea; (i) 10 ml min−1kg−1, (ii) 20 ml min−1kg−1 with cardiac compensation (CC), and (iii) 20 ml min−1kg−1 with no CC (nCC). Note that with CC, increased
, from (i) to (ii), elevated
uniformly at all levels of
during both stages 1 and 2; note that the level of
at the inflection point (shown by short black lines) is unchanged. With nCC (iii), increased
caused a reduced resting
and lower
inflection, and greater
during stage 1, compared to (ii). (B) Sensitivity of
to changes in
. Note that with increased
: a uniform increase in
occurred with CC, and a more-than-proportional increase was seen with nCC;
is elevated in both cases, but more so with nCC; a uniform increase in
is shown regardless of CC. n = ‘normal’ values; S1, stage 1 slope; S2, stage 2 slope.