(A) Effect of three levels of resting , (i) 375 ml min−1kg−1, (ii) 250 ml min−1kg−1, and (iii) 125 ml min−1kg−1, on arterial () and mixed venous () O2 during apnea. Note that reduced elevates , associated with a reduction in resting and reduction in at the stage 1–2 transition or inflection point (shown by short black lines). (B) Sensitivity of to changes in . Note the strong influence of on , but negligible effect on and . (C) Simulations in (A) repeated for a step change in at apnea onset by (iv) +125 ml min−1kg−1 (e.g. tachycardia), (v) 0 ml min−1kg−1, and (vi) −125 ml min−1kg−1 (e.g. bradycardia), following resting . Note that the transient effect of is opposite to the resting effect of on arterial desaturation during apnea. (D) Sensitivity of to acute changes in during apnea. Note the strong influence of a step-change in on , but negligible effect on and . n = ‘normal’ values.