CI previously treated with pencil push-up therapy (more than 2 weeks of treatment).
CI previously treated with home- or office-based VT/orthoptics
Amblyopia (≥ 2 line difference in best-corrected visual acuity between the two eyes).
Constant strabismus
History of strabismus surgery
High Refractive Error: Myopia ≥ 6.00D sphere (in any meridian), hyperopia ≥ 5.00D sphere (in any meridian), astigmatism ≥4.00D
Anisometropia ≥ 2.0D spherical equivalent
Prior refractive surgery
Vertical heterophoria greater than 1Δ
Systemic diseases known to affect accommodation, vergence and ocular motility such as: multiple sclerosis, Graves disease, myasthenia gravis, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease
Accommodative amplitude <5 D in either eye as measured by the Donder’s push-up method
Manifest or latent nystagmus
Developmental disability, mental retardation, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or learning disability diagnosis in children that in the investigator’s discretion would interfere with treatment
Family or household member or sibling already enrolled in the CITT
Family or household member of an eye care professional, ophthalmic technician, ophthalmology or optometry resident or optometry student
CI secondary to acquired brain injury or any other neurological disorder