Figure 4. Quenching efficiencies.
Comparison of the quenching efficiencies derived from steady-state PL and time-resolved excited-state lifetime data for: (a) 590-nm DHLA-QDs and (b) 590-nm DHLA-PEG-QDs samples shown in Figure 3. (c) Quenching efficiency versus CdSe core sizes for DHLA- and DHLA-PEG-capped QDs normalized to 1 Ru-phen-peptide per QD. (d) PL of a QD solution without (black) and with Ru-phen-peptide conjugates (red), together with a superposition of the rate of quenching and spectral overlap, J(λ)~ε(λ)×λ4 versus wavelength (as detailed in the text).