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. 2009 Oct 30;3:34. doi: 10.3389/neuro.09.034.2009

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics for tests assessing general intellectual abilities for younger and older adults.

Young Old Group comparison
M SD M SD t df p
Digit letter test 131.57 16.41 122.93 16.48 1.93 26 0.18
LPS-3 28.43 4.25 25.21 6.58 2.38 26 0.14
MWT-B 31.29 2.76 34.0 2.25 −8.13 26 0.01
Ten-Word-List 8.43 0.94 6.93 1.07 15.54 26 0.001
FCSRT (free recall 1) 12.69 1.25 10.38 2.43 9.27 26 0.01
FCRST (free recall 2) 14.08 1.12 12.31 1.44 12.31 26 0.01
FCRST (free recall 3) 14.85 1.21 13.46 1.39 7.38 26 0.05
RTMT-A 24.93 6.65 39.14 10.41 18.55 26 0.001
RTMT-B 56.21 14.72 80.07 21.01 12.11 26 0.01
SOPT (9 items) 0.83 0.57 1.5 0.69 7.86 26 0.01
SOPT (16 items) 1.62 0.87 2.57 1.05 6.82 26 0.05
TOL 53.21 2.36 52.57 1.74 0.673 26 0.42
FAS 42.14 8.93 37.07 10.94 1.81 26 0.19
STROOP 11.21 6.57 18.21 4.02 11.72 26 0.05
WCST (errors) 22.42 14.88 38.5 18.41 5.14 26 0.05

Mean values (M), standard deviations (SD) and t-tests for independent groups are displayed. LPS-3, Leistungsprüfsystem Test 3; MWT-B, Mehrfach-Wortwahl-Wortschatz test Version B; Ten-Word-List, Ten-Word-List with Encoding Enhancement; FCSRT, Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test; RTMT-A (B), Reitan Trail Making Task Part A (B); SOPT, Self Ordered Pointing Task; TOL, Tower of London Task; FAS, Controlled Oral Word Association Task; STROOP, Stroop Color-Word Interference Test; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; number of false answers (errors) throughout the entire test.