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. 2009 Oct 30;3:34. doi: 10.3389/neuro.09.034.2009

Table 4.

Reward processing during “learned“ vs. “search” trials..

Brain regions BA Left/right MNI coordinates (mm) Z-score Cluster size
Superior frontal gyrus 6 R 12 12 55 2.94 8
Ventral striatum L −4 8 0 4.25 57
Ventral striatum R 8 16 −5 3.69
Cingulate gyrus 32 L −16 12 41 2.81 6
Postcentral gyrus 3 L −52 −16 55 3.34 20
Postcentral gyrus 40 R 24 −40 60 3.88 318
Superior parietal lobe 5 L −16 −44 60 3.57
Superior temporal gyrus 22 L −64 −16 5 2.88 7
Postcentral gyrus 40 R 64 −24 23 4.44 204
Superior temporal gyrus 42 R 68 −36 18 4.28
Middle occipital gyrus 18 L −32 −100 0 2.86 7
Ventral striatum R 8 12 −5 2.82 7
Postcentral gyrus 43 R 68 −16 18 3.45 19
Superior temporal gyrus 22 R 68 −40 18 2.85
Middle occipital gyrus 18 L −32 −100 0 3.61 72
Parahippocampal gyrus 37 L −36 −52 −9 2.93

Brain regions showing a greater response to “learned” as compared to “search” trials in young adults, older adults and in-group comparisons. Activated anatomical region, coordinates of the local maxima of significance within the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinate system, its corresponding Brodmann area (BA), and the peak Z values are given. The reported regions were active with p < 0.005 (uncorrected)..