AP-1 |
Heterodimer formed by members of the Fos and Jun basic-leucine zipper transcription factors; several Fos and Jun family members are expressed in the OB and the expression of some members is dependent on olfactory neuron afferent synaptic activity (Liu 1999); mutation of AP-1 binding site in TH proximal promoter eliminates reporter gene expression in the OB of transgenic mice;94 OB expression of FosB and JunD is activity dependent and both proteins in OB cell lysates bind an AP-1 binding site in the TH promoter.117
Basic-leucine zipper transcription factor; CREB is expressed in the post-natal OB granule and glomerular layers;117 mutation of an evolutionarily conserved CRE binding site in TH proximal promoter eliminates reporter gene expression in the OB of transgenic mice.116
Dlx-family |
Homeodomain transcription factors; Dlx1,2,5,6 are expressed in the LGE and post-natal SVZ, RMS and OB; 66, 74–76, 93, 142–144 Dlx2 is expressed in transit amplifying cells and migrating neuroblasts within the SVZ and RMS;91 mice lacking Dlx1 or Dlx2 have a modest or strong reduction of OB TH+ cells, respectively, whereas mice lacking both Dlx1 and Dlx2 have a near total loss of OB TH+ cells;145, 146 mice lacking Dlx5 have a strong reduction in the number of OB TH+ cells;75 TH+ cells in the OB overlap with reporter gene expression driven by a Dlx5/6 gene regulatory fragment.90, 92
Er81 |
ETS-DNA binding domain transcription factor is expressed in the dLGE, SVZ, RMS and OB;66, 77 Er81 is co-expressed with TH in periglomerular interneurons;77 Er81 expression in the OB is activity dependent;77 there is a major loss of TH+ cells in homozygous Er81 mutant mice (Cave and Baker, unpublished). |
Gsh2 |
Homeodomain transcription factor protein; expressed in the embryonic LGE and post- natal SVZ, RMS and OB67, 79, 147; mice lacking Gsh2 have a large loss of OB TH+ cells. |
Meis2 |
TALE homeodomain protein; Meis2 is expressed in the embryonic LGE as well as the post-natal SVZ, RMS and OB;90 Meis2 is co-expressed in OB TH+ cells.90
Nurr1/NGFI-B |
Homologous orphan nuclear receptor transcription factors; both proteins are expressed in the superficial granule cell and glomerular layers of OB in a synaptic activity-dependent manner;117 TH proximal promoter contains a functional Nurr1 binding response element.110, 111
Pax6 |
Paired box and homeodomain transcription factor; Pax6 is expressed in the embryonic dLGE and post-natal SVZ, RMS and OB;78, 87–89 nearly all TH+ cells in OB also co- express Pax6 and there is an almost total loss of OB TH+ cell in mice heterozygous for Pax6 Sey mutation.87
Zic1,3 |
Zinc finger transcription factors; Zic1,3 are expressed in the embryonic septum as well as the glomerular and granule cell layers of the post-natal OB;71 mice lacking both Zic1 and Zic3 have a significant loss of OB interneurons, including TH+ cells.71