Previous treatment for CI (Any office- or home-based vision therapy or more than 2 weeks of pencil push-up therapy)
Previous use of plus add at near or base-in prism
Amblyopia (≥ 2 line difference in best-corrected visual acuity between the two eyes)
Constant strabismus
History of strabismus or refractive surgery
Anisometropia ≥ 2.0D spherical equivalent
High refractive error: Myopia ≥ 6.00D sphere (in any meridian); Hyperopia ≥ 5.00D sphere (in any meridian); Astigmatism ≥ 4.00D
Vertical heterophoria greater than 1Δ
Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Grave’s thyroid disease, myasthenia gravis, diabetes, or Parkinson’s disease
Manifest or latent nystagmus
Developmental disability, mental retardation, ADHD or learning disability that, in the investigators opinion, would interfere with the child’s ability to respond to survey items