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. 2005 Aug;18(3):232–243. doi: 10.1055/s-2005-916284

Table 2.

Summary of Prospective Randomized Trials of Postoperative Colorectal Cancer Surveillance: Strategies and Outcomes

RCT N Intensive Follow-up Standard Follow-up Time to First Recurrence (mo) 5-Year Survival (%)
CXR, chest x-ray; CBC, complete blood count; FOBT, fecal occult blood test; LFT, liver function tests; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; DRE, digital rectal examination; CT, computed tomography; US, ultrasound; APR, abdominal perineal resection; NS, not significant.
Ohlsson et al9 1995 107 History & physical exam, Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy, CEA, LFT, FOBT, CXR q3 mo × 2 yr then q6 mo × 2 yr then q12 mo No organized follow-up Instructed to return if symptoms develop 20.4 vs. 24 (NS) 75 vs. 67 (NS)
Colonoscopy At 3, 15, 30, and 60 mo Instructed to leave fecal samples q3 mo × 2 yr then yearly
CT scan pelvis (APR) 3 & 6 mo then q6 mo × 24 mo
Mäkelä et al39 1995 106 History & physical exam CBC, FOBT, CEA, CXR q3 mo × 2 yr then q6 mo × 3 yr History & physical exam, CBC, FOBT, CEA, CXR q3 mo × 2 yr then q6 mo × 3 yr 10 vs. 15 (P = 0.002) 59 vs. 54 (NS)
Flexible sigmoidoscopy q3 mo Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy (rectal and sigmoid cancer) q3 mo × 2 yr then q6 mo × 3 yr
US liver q6 mo Barium enema q12 mo
CT liver + surgical site q12 mo
Colonoscopy At 3 mo then q12 mo
Kjeldsen et al38 1997 597 History & physical exam, DRE, gynecologic exam, FOBT, colonoscopy, CXR, CBC, ESR, LFT q6 mo × 3 yr then yearly × 2 yr then at 10, 12.5, and 15 yr after resection History & physical exam, DRE, gynecologic exam, FOBT, colonoscopy, CXR, CBC, ESR, LFT At 5, 10, & 25 yr after resection 18 vs. 27 (P < 0.001) 70 vs. 68 (NS)
Pietra et al18 1998 207 History & physical exam, US liver, CEA q3 mo × 2 yr then q6 mo × 3 yr then yearly History & physical exam, US liver, CEA q6 mo × 1 year then yearly 10.3 vs. 20.2 (P < 0.0003) 73.1 vs. 58.3 (P < 0.02)
CXR, colonoscopy, CT scan q12 mo CXR, colonoscopy q12 mo
Schoemaker et al40 1998 325 History & physical exam, CBC, LFT, CEA, FOBT q3 mo × 2 yr then q6 mo × 5 yr History & physical exam, CBC, LFT, CEA, FOBT q3 mo × 2 yr then q6 mo × 5 yr Not stated 76 vs. 70 (NS)
CXR, CT scan liver, colonoscopy q12 mo CXR, CT scan liver, colonoscopy At 5 yr after resection
Secco et al19 2002 358 HIGH RISK (HR)* q3 mo × 24 mo then q4 mo × 1 year then q6 mo × 2 yr LOW RISK (LR)* q6 mo × 24 mo then yearly × 3 yr RISK-ADAPTED RISK-ADAPTED
History & physical exam, CEA q6 mo × 36 mo then yearly × 2 yr History & physical exam, CEA q6 mo × 2 yr then yearly 13.5 (HR) vs. 16 (LR) 50 (HR) vs. 80 (LR) (P< 0.001)
US (abdomen and pelvis) q1 yr × 5 yr Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy (rectal ca) q1 yr × 2 yr then q2 yr MINIMAL MINIMAL
Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy (rectal ca) q1 yr × 5 yr CXR q1 yr × 5 yr 8 (HR) vs. 14 (LR) 32 (HR) vs. 60 (LR) (P< 0.001)

Patients stratified into high- or low-risk groups based on prognostic; randomized to risk-adapted follow-up (outlined earlier) or minimal surveillance (yearly clinical examination and q6mo phone check-ups).