Figure 1.
Effect of ischemic PC on COX-2 mRNA levels in rabbit myocardium. Tissue samples were obtained from the anterior and posterior LV wall of control rabbits (group I) and from the ischemic-reperfused and nonischemic regions of rabbits that underwent ischemic PC with six 4-min coronary occlusion/4-min reperfusion cycles and were euthanized 1 h (group II), 3 h (group III), or 24 h (group IV) later. (A) Representative RPA gel; (B) densitometric analysis of COX-2 mRNA signals. Each COX-2 signal was normalized to the GAPDH signal from the same sample to control for RNA loading. The normalized values are expressed as percentage of the signal in the anterior LV wall of control hearts. Data are means ± SEM.