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. 2007 Jan;163(1):31–39. doi: 10.1007/s11046-006-0082-1

Table 2.

Morphological comparison of the structures of seven Fusarium species associated with ear rot of maize obtained from symptomatic and symptomless ears during fall to winter 2002 in Montecillo, Mexico

Morphological characteristics Gibberella fujikuroi complex F. poae*,** F. solani**
F. napiforme** F. pseudonygamai*,** F. subglutinans*,** F. verticillioides*,** F. chlamydosporum*,**
Microconidia (length × width in μm) 9.8 × 5.0a, 10.2 × 2.4b, 19.25 × 3.9c 11.1 × 2.42, 5.0−13.8 × 1.9−4.0 11.32 × 3.1, 8−12 × 2.5–3 11.8 × 2.4, 5.0−12.0 × 1.5−2.5 9.7 × 3.3 11.46 × 7.0, 8−12 × 7−10d 9.5 × 3, 8−16 × 2−4
Microconidia in chains + + (short) +
False heads microconidia + + + + +
Mesoconidia 1−3 septate 0−3 septate.O
Shape and size (length × width in µm) 17.0 × 4.5 11.0 × 4
Macroconidia (length × width in µm 43.5 × 3.8 39.0 × 4.0 37.4 × 4.2 31.0 × 3.7 40.4 × 3.5 22.1 × 3.6 50.3 × 5.0
Conidiophore Branched Single or branched Branched Single or branched Branched Branched Branched
Phialides (length × width in µm Monophialide Monophialide Monophialide Monophialide Monophialide Polyphialide Monophialide Monophialide
27.0 × 3.0 26.0 × 2.43 23.5 × 2.7 22.0 × 3.5 26.7 × 2.7 14.0 × 6.0 45.0−73.0 × 2.4
Polyphialide Polyphialide Polyphialide
Chlamydospores + + +
Coloure White/purple White/orange, gray White purple/pink-purple Purple gray/pink-purple brown/brown White pink/orange Light cream/light cream
Isolates 2, 4, 6 10B, 13A, 13B, 18, 19 9, 11, 14 5, 10A 16, 17 12, 15A, 15B 3, 7, 8

*Isolates obtained from 100 symptomless kernels.

** isolates obtained from symptomatic kernels.

aNapiform conidia with 0–1 septate.

bOvoid conidia with 0–1 septate.

cOvoid conidia with 1–3 septate.

dAmpuliform conidia

eSlant tubes containing PDA with amended potato pulp.