Demographic and outcome variables (12 variables)
Length of index hospital stay |
Subsequent hospitalization (and date)? |
Number of days in hospital |
Death (and date) |
Age in years |
Sex |
Distance from tertiary care facility >30 min drive |
Household annual income <$20,000.00 |
Lives alone |
Heart failure clinic enrollment? |
Documentation of ejection fraction within 60 days (before or after) of index admission? (yes/no/measured but no ejection fraction available) |
Ejection fraction numerical value (if available) |
Medical history (16 variables)
Hypertension |
Dyslipidemia |
Congestive heart failure |
Myocardial infarction |
Previous percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
Previous coronary artery bypass grafting |
Diabetes |
Peripheral vascular disease |
Stroke or transient ischemic attack |
Renal insufficiency |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
Malignancy |
Dementia |
History of alcohol abuse (ever versus none) |
History of smoking (never, previous, current) |
Number of comorbid illnesses |
Index admission (11 variables)
Heart rate |
Systolic blood pressure |
Diastolic blood pressure |
Mean arterial pressure |
Blood glucose |
Serum creatinine |
Serum troponin |
Serum sodium |
Serum potassium |
Plasma hemoglobin |
Total white blood cell count |
Treatment at index hospital admission (1 variable)
Cardiac catheterization performed? |
Treatment at index hospital discharge (15 variables)
Calcium channel blocker |
Beta-blocker |
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor |
Angiotensin II receptor blocker |
Loop diuretic |
Spironolactone |
Warfarin |
Acetylsalicylic acid |
Clopidogrel |
Statin |
Digoxin |
Insulin |
Metformin |
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug excluding cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors |
Cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors |