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. 2009 Sep;25(9):533–542. doi: 10.1016/s0828-282x(09)70144-8


Accuracy of 64-slice multidetector computed tomography for the assessment of coronary artery stenosis compared with catheter-based coronary angiography (CCA)

Reference Patients, n Patient population Mean age, years Men, % Prevalence of CAD, % Vessel diameter analyzed Assessability, % Sensitivity, % Specificity, % NPV, % PPV, % Diagnostic accuracy, % Positive likelihood ratio Negative likelihood ratio
Ong et al (7) 134 Scheduled angiography 55 73 73 ≥1.5 mm 90 82 96 96 79 93 20.5 0.2
Meijboom et al (8) 104 Suspected CAD 59 72 85 N/A 100 92 91 99 60 91 10.2 0.1
Ropers et al (9) 84 Scheduled angiography 58 62 32 ≥1.5 mm 96 93 97 100 56 97 31.0 0.1
Oncel et al (10) 80 Suspected CAD 56 76 77 ≥2 mm 100 96 98 99 91 98 48 0
Nikolaou et al (11) 72 Suspected CAD 64 82 54 ≥1.5 or2 mm 90 82 95 97 72 93 27.3 0.2
Raff et al (12)* 70 Suspected CAD 59 73 54 All vessels 100 86 95 98 66 94 17.2 0.1
Ehara et al (13) 69 Suspected CAD 69 75 88 All vessels 92 90 94 95 89 93 15.0 0.1
Leschka et al (14) 67 Suspected CAD 62 74 70 ≥1.5 mm 100 94 97 99 87 97 31.3 0.1
Schuijf et al (15) 61 Scheduled angiography 60 77 52 N/A 99 85 98 99 82 93 42.5 0.3
Leber et al (16) 55 Scheduled angiography N/A N/A 56 All vessels 100 77 97 95 85 94 25.7 0.2
Mollet et al (17) 52 Scheduled angiography 59 65 90 ≥1.5 or 100 99 95 99 76 96 19.8 0.0
Mühlenbruch et al (18)§ 51 Suspected CAD 59 76 88 N/A 91 87 95 98 75 94 17.4 0.1
Plass et al (19) 50 Scheduled angiography 66 78 80 ≥1.5 mm 92 93 97 98 91 96 31 0.1
Scheffel et al (20) 38 Scheduled angiography 50 76 76 ≥1.0 mm 98 93 99 99 91 99 93 0.1
Pugliese et al (21)* 21 Stable angina 61 100 71 All vessels 100 99 96 99 78 96 24.8 0.0
Total 1008 97 89 96 98 79 95 22.3 0.1

All studies were blinded.


Quantitative CCA was not performed. Evaluation of coronary artery stenosis was made by visual analysis of CCA;

57% of patients had at least 1 stent;

Beta-blockers were not administered for heart rate reduction;


Defined coronary artery stenosis as >70% luminal narrowing of vessel. Coronary artery stenosis was defined as >50% luminal narrowing of vessel in all other studies. CAD Coronary artery disease; N/A Not available; NPV Negative predictive value; PPV Positive predictive value