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. 2009 Apr;34(2):108–111. doi: 10.4103/0970-0218.51230

Table 5.

Prevalence of thinness for girls in India and the UAE

India UAE

Age N Mean ± SD Percent of students in the <5th percentile of WHO standards N Mean and SD Percent of students in the <5th percentile of WHO standards Ttest
11 98 14.08±1.7 61.2 104 17.77±3.36 14.4 Sig
12 97 15.08±2.64 52.6 102 20.05±5.47 4.9 Sig
13 112 15.89±2.88 43.8 108 19.95±3.81 5.9 Sig
14 100 16.57±2.68 42 102 21.47±4.3 6.9 Sig
15 121 16.57±2.8 52.9 110 22.31±3.96 5.5 Sig
16 68 17.31±2 71 48.5 42 23.28±5 25 11.9 Sig
Total 596 15.88±2.7 50.1 568 20.54±4.4 8.25 Sig

SD = Standard deviation, Sig = P<0.05