Fig. 7.
α1C9/9*/10 plays a dominant role in cerebral artery constriction. A: representative diameter traces showing response to 60 mM [K+]o followed by application of 10 μM ionomycin. B: summary of 60 mM [K+]o for AS-treated arteries. All constrictions were normalized to minimum diameter obtained in ionomycin and maximum diameter obtained in Ca2+-free PSS with diltiazem (100 μM) and forskolin (1 μM). After 4 days in organ culture following oligonucleotide treatment, arteries treated with α1C-AS exhibited similar response to 60 mM [K+]o as arteries treated with α1C9/9*/10-AS. α1C9/9*/10-AS and α1C-AS groups were significantly decreased compared with corresponding sense-treated groups. No significant difference (NS) was observed between α1C9/9*/10-AS and α1C-AS groups (*P < 0.05; α1C9/9*/10-sense, n = 4; α1C9/9*/10-AS, n = 6; α1C-sense, n = 5; α1C-AS, n = 5).