Overexpression of Blom7α alters 5′-splice site selection of E1A minigene. A, scheme of the alternative splice products derived from of E1A minigene, showing the three most prevalent forms of 13S, 12S, and 9S. B, transfection of HeLa cells with EGFP-Blom7α shows nuclear localization, although a dot-like structure is only observed for full-length Blom7α. C, co-transfection of EGFP-Blom7α together with E1A minigene promotes formation of the 13S splice variant, whereas reducing 12S and 9S in comparison with the “E1A-only” and empty vector control. ASF-SF2 was used as positive control (n = 9). One representative gel of the alternative splicing analysis is shown. Neg, negative. D, neither the KH domains nor the C-terminal half (ΔKH) significantly alters splice site selection. U.S., unspliced