Stimulation of the β2AR induces agonist dose-dependent and dynamic receptor phosphorylation by PKA and GRK. A, the β1β2AR-KO cardiac myocytes expressing FLAG-β2ARs were stimulated with different concentrations of Iso and blotted for phosphorylation by PKA (Ser(P)261/262) or GRK (Ser(P)355/356). The Western blots in A were quantified and plotted as -fold increases over base-line levels for the PKA-dependent phosphorylation (B) and GRK-dependent phosphorylation (C). D, myocytes expressing FLAG-β2ARs were stimulated with 10 μm Iso for the indicated time to examine the PKA- and GRK-mediated phosphorylation. E and F, the Western blots in D were quantified and plotted as -fold increases over base-line levels. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01 when compared with the base-line levels by one-way ANOVA. a.u., arbitrary units.